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It is almost mid January and people are still saying “Happy New Year”. I have heard it so many times that I began thinking about what really makes me happy and how what-makes-me-happy has changed over the years.

Although I have been in the legal field for many years prior to 2006, that is the year I left the safety of a steady paycheck and I went out on my own and founded Miami PSPI, LLC, a process service and private investigation agency. Every year since then I look back at the year that passed and I identify my highs and lows.

The first few years I measured my highs by financial successes and my lows were those months where I produced little income. Little-by-little I managed to identify, isolate and eradicate those bad behaviors that caused me to have bad months and I focused on behavior that resulted in making a profit.

This continued for years but as my family grew, my priorities began to shift, and I could no longer ignore what really made me happy. Profitable months were great but those moments that I got to do interesting things with my little girls were way more fulfilling.

My daughters are still very young, 6 and 9, but they are growing up fast. They are entering that phase where everything I say in public mortifies them. Today I look back at 2018 and I only see those wonderful moments spent with my girls and how happy we were together. Interestingly, the months after I spent breaks with my girls were the most profitable of 2018.

Being happy is the key to professional growth. In 2019 I will try to squeeze every last drop of magic that comes from doing fun and exciting things with my little girls while they are still actually little girls. I only get to have them this young once and then it’s gone. 2019 will be measured solely by how much quality time I spend with them and I have a feeling Miami PSPI, LLC is going to be great because of it.

Cheers everyone!

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